Cohort 2

Muganga Ambrose Ibabaza, Uganda

Project: The Enforcement of the Right to a Safe and Healthy Working Environment in Uganda.

Lynne Mueni Muthini, Kenya

Project: Challenging the implementation of Universal Health Coverage in Kenya

Anthony Odur, Uganda

Project: The Fair Health Project (FHP)

Francisca Lengeju, Tanzania

Project: Challenging the Constitutionality of Section 44(1) of the Law of Limitations Act Cap 89.

Achak Carol Kay, Uganda

Project: Older persons and the right to health/ access to medicine.

Gad Arthur Kisaalu, Uganda

Project: Promoting the Independence of the Judiciary

Najib Kasole, Uganda

Project: Realizing the right to quality primary education in Uganda

Brenda Adwenyata Majune, Kenya

Project: Amendment of Section 226 of the Penal Code (CAP 63 Laws of Kenya)

Clinton Nyamongo, Kenya

Project: Land and Housing: Advocating for the Mariwenyi residents' land rights.

Maina Nyabuti, Kenya

Project: A case to nullify section 73(2)(a) of the Marriage Act, 2014

Julia Diffu, Kenya

Project: Petition on appropriate leave rights after child loss.

Chrispus Nampwera, Uganda

Project: Stunting and children's right to health and adequate nutrition.

Caroline Nicholas Mollel, Tanzania

Project: Redressing Womens' right to own property under the Local Customary Declaration Order of 1963.

Nelius Njuguna, Kenya

Project: Engendering access to justice for Gender Based Violence (GBV) victims in Kenya through Gender Desks reforms.

Kirunga Joyce, Uganda

Project: Challenging the actions and omissions of the government of Uganda for failure to provide quality education in regards to ICT infrastructure.

Sharon Vilegwa Amendi, Kenya

Project: Challenging sections of the Law of Succession Act Cap 160, Laws Of Kenya as unconstitutional.

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